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Project Information 

Monthly Report/Activities


AWEG has a constitutional demand that the group members should meet every first Saturday of the month in order to provide a good platform for social and economic development and to spread or educate women on issues that matter to their development. Usually the meetings start off with an opening prayer following a song is sung to bring excitement and joy to the meetings. After the group leader welcomes the visitors for that program. 


July 2015- Establishment of the NGO (Research Shea Butter Production in the Region, Community Engagement, Membership Sign Up, Creation of the Consitution and Work Structure) 


August 2015- First Monthly introducing the Canadian Volunteers, the selection of the admin team, informing group members about core values and consitution of AWEG


September 2015- Informative health discussion on family planning (AWEG invited a community health nurse to educate the women's group on the family planning concept with permission of the District Health Administration)


The full monthly reports can be downloaded here: 







The Constitution can be downloaded here: 



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