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Project Goal 

Awonpok Women’s Empowerment Group (AWEG) main goal is to improve the economic life of women through the promotion of Shea nut picking and Shea butter production and to enhance their social lives through social development programs. 

Phase 1

Phase I of the organization establishment is a preliminary phase.  Currently, It is made up of 89 members (women) with ages between 25-60 years in the Wiak-Chiok community of the Upper East region of Ghana. Phase I is aimed at improving their livelihood through the production of Shea butter at the household level, as well as, a study stage in order to identify the possibilities and constraints of the Shea butter production project. 


Phase 2 

Phase II of the organization establishment will depend on the outcome of Phase I, that is:

-Identify challenges/constraints from Phase I and try to solve the,

-Check on the Commitment of group members, and the improvement in the lives of group members.

-Increase the number of registered members and expand the projects to nearby communities.

-Expand the Shea butter production and the possibility of buyers

-Construction of a warehouse for Shea Butter production. 

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